Today we are starting the Domino’s fundraiser for Skokie Baseball and Softball League. It was an absolute pleasure introducing the fundraiser to your child’s team. The fundraiser starts today and runs through Friday, April 26th. If your child sells 15 “Slice the Price” cards your family receives one for FREE. Also, the Skokie Baseball Team that sells the most cards will receive a Pizza Party.
Cards are valid until December 31, 2024 and are valid in 26 states and all Cook County Domino stores. The $20 dollars “Slice the Price” Card pays for itself after one use. If you buy any large pizza, you get one for free. There is no limit or exclusion on the type of large pizza. So you can order the most expensive large pizza and receive the same or a different flavor for FREE. If you order 5 large pizzas, you get 5 FREE.
Please register for the fundraiser with the link below and help us raise money for offsetting costs to play for our travel and house rec teams.
Register: https://register.
(Get a personal link and a chance to win two $50 Amazon gift cards)
Store: https://store.dominos.
(Share this link if you do not register)
Dashboard: https://dash.
(See everyone’s sales and keep tabs on the Amazon gift cards & Bonus Cash)
Leaderboard: https://leader.
(Shows how we are doing in comparison with other groups to earn $100 Bonus Cash)
After you register, please forward your personal link or the general store link to every contact in your phone via text. You can also forward that link to all contacts in your email. Lastly, please post the link to all social media platforms that you use (Facebook, Twitter, IG, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.)
For questions, please call the fundraisers hotline at: 866-252-6103 or please feel free to reach out to me Sylvia at