It’s not too late to sign up for Skokie Indians’ season of Rookie/A “summer league” baseball for players ages 5-7! Games begin this Monday, July 6 at 6pm. If interested, please email Alisa Brown (alisa.gilhooley(at)
Games will be held on 1-2 weekday evenings per week and a few Saturday mornings in July. We have a great turnout–please join us! The cost is just $20 per player.
This league is for players at the Rookie and A level currently (ages 5-7). Kids that did not play this spring or have not played ball yet are welcome. Players that will be starting 3rd grade in the fall are instead invited to sign up for AAA summer ball.
The league is informal, pickup-style. Each scheduled game day, we will divide into teams to play 1 or 2 games, depending on numbers. Players will not receive a new uniform–wear your spring uniform or any comfortable clothes.