Skokie Baseball families,
Skokie Baseball is conducting travel tryouts at Central Park (9350 Central Park Avenue Skokie, IL 60203) on July 30th and 31st, from 12pm-3pm. Players only need to attend one tryout.
We will conduct tryouts primarily by age group. July 30th is for 12U-14U, July 31st is for 8U-11U. (If your child can not make the date for their age group, coming to the other date is perfectly fine.)
In the form please specify what team your child is trying out for.
example – my son is 12 on May 1, 2023. He turns 13 on May 2, 2023. He is eligible for 12U. He can instead try out for 13U if preferred.
League Birthday not before
8U May 2, 2014 (primarily 2nd grade in Fall 2022)
9U May 2, 2013 (primarily 3rd grade in Fall 2022)
10U May 2, 2012 (primarily 4th grade in Fall 2022)
11U May 2, 2011 (primarily 5th grade in Fall 2022)
12U May 2, 2010 (primarily 6th grade in Fall 2022)
13U May 2, 2009 (primarily 7th grade in Fall 2022)
14U May 2, 2008 (primarily 8th grade in Fall 2022)
Please note, if your child will be in high school beginning in the Fall of 2022, your child is not eligible for 14U even if your child meets the age requirements.
Tryouts will include pitching, fielding, batting and 40 yard dash. Wear baseball clothing, including cleats, and bring glove, bat, helmet, and water.
All players, including those on 2022 travel teams, must sign up for tryouts to be placed on a team.
When selecting an age group, sign up using the age/grade your child will be as of May 1, 2023
Travel baseball entails a meaningful commitment to the game. There is a time and cost commitment. Players that try out should have a love for the game and a desire to continually improve and compete. Indoor practices will begin in January. Games are May through July (spring season) and late August through October (fall season).
Skokie travel baseball tryouts - 2023 season
Details on players trying for the 2023 travel season