
Sponsor Tier Levels


Skokie Baseball and Softball is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We’re affiliated with the Skokie Park District.

  • Name of the business sponsoring Skokie Baseball and Softball
  • First and Last name of the primary contact
  • Phone number of the primary contact
  • email address of the primary contact
  • Please provide url of your business if you have one. Example (https://old.skokiebaseballandsoftball.com)
  • Choose the tier level at which you would like to make a donation to Skokie Baseball and Softball
  • If your donation does not fit into tier levels please enter the amount of your donation here
  • All sponsors receive a t-shirt. Please provide size.
  • All contacts receive a hat or visor. Please specify size
  • Please choose BASEBALL, SOFTBALL or BOTH (Baseball and Softball)
  • Use this field for any general comments you would like Skokie Baseball and Softball to know regarding your sponsorship.
  • $0.00
  • Once you click "Register" below you will be directed to paypal to complete your sponsorship payment. If you have worked out alternate payment arrangements please still complete the registration form, close the "Donate" paypal window and complete payment using agreed upon approach.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.